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Coffee mug in a bed of lavender. Lavender simple syrup

Lavender Simple Syrup

Quick and easy lavender simple syrup that you can use so many ways!
Prep Time:5 minutes
Cook Time:15 minutes
Total Time:20 minutes
Course: Drinks
Keyword: Cocktails, Coffee, Lavender, Simple Syrup


  • 2-3 tablespoons dried lavender
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup white sugar


  • Add the lavender, water, and sugar to a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over a medium-high heat.
  • Once the sugar completely dissolves, turn off the burner and let the mixture sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a jar or storage container once the syrup is as strong as you'd like it.
  • Refrigerate in a closed container for up to 1 month.


The amount of time you'll need to steep the mixture will depend on how fresh your herbs are. I recommend tasting your syrup about every 5 minutes to know how long you should steep it. There's no right answer - you can make it as strong or as mild as you like!
Fun twists on this recipe - if you'd like to punch up the herbaceous notes, add a sprig or two of fresh rosemary to the pan. If you want some sweet depth, add a vanilla bean to the mix. Vanilla lavender simple syrup would make a great London Fog!